Wednesday, August 03, 2005 |
What's that puddle under the desk? |
No worries, it's just where I melted today trying to edit photos and work on my website until I was too hot and sweaty to bear it anymore. I went to a couple stores today not to buy anything at all, just to soak up a little free AC. I'd really be happy if it turned autumn right now and gave the rest of summer a miss. (to steal part of a line from Monty Python). My body doesn't function well at any temp much over 80 and even less well in humidity. Not to mention that I hate sweating. It's not sweating so much, it's when I sweat without moving, especially the kind that you can feel running down your legs or back in a steady stream. It's days like today I wonder if having and AC unit and the extra yearly expense of it (added to my already increasing in Sept by $40 rent) would be worth it. And in 2 days it'll all be over again.
Did you know there are now bigger M&Ms? I found them today while cooling off. Chocolate is something I am always jonesing for so I bought a bag. They are also melting and will need to spend the night in the fridge. And they're not all that much bigger, so only rush out to get some if you thought they needed more chocolate per M. I got the peanut kind and the chocolate to peanut ratio seems to be an improvement. I wonder why bother with the plain kind....couldn't you just put more than one in your mouth at a time?
All is not lost in my patio garden (which for those of you I haven't vented to about has been tortured by both pidgeons and scorching all day sun while I'm at work). One small pepper is starting to form on a plant not yet nibbled down by the birds. I'm hoping it will be of the jalepeno variety and not the bell variety. Sweet potatos look on top of the dirt to be thriving as well. The rest, well, will be mostly a loss again. I think the roots get scorched cause the sides of the planters heat up during the day and fry the roots. So perhaps I will have sweet potatos with chives and jalepeno. If the pidgeons were less hungry I might have had pea pods by now.
I've been having thoughts lately about how it might be okay if I got laid off (a real possibility) later this fall. In fact, I might kinda like it. Working in the bike shop is fun, don't get me wrong, but I am getting antsy again. Maybe want to try something different for a few months. Or maybe I can stay part time and try something else part time (then I'd get to keep my health insurance). Might also work with the child of some friends as a sort of mentor/personal care assistant. That would be more along the lines of what I'd like to do with life/career in the long run.
Oh yeah, and Happy Birthday baby Micah....you're 2 already. Your mommy and daddy must be awfully proud of the little man you've become.
posted by Jen @ 2:10 AM |