Days in the Life of This Girl

Tuesday, July 12, 2005
I've got one. Woke up with it. Took something, took another something, tried everything, can't kick it. Was supposed to go to work tonight to set up a sale, but my head is pounding, my vision a bit blurry and my neck sore, so I called in "sick" for the first time since getting this job.

Not a total waste of a day though. Slept until 2 cause I could and I've been really tired lately not sleeping well in the heat. Had a guy stop by to pick up a broken old computer (yay, one less thing in my world and one step closer to simplified) about 2:30. Finished editing some long over due photos and took them to be processed. While I was waiting for the 1hour photo (well it's not a 1hour photo, it's a professional quality lab, but I can get them to do my digital prints in an hour when needed), I went to the craft store looking for stamp creating supplies (to create some stamps for some letterboxes I'd like to place by the end of the month - for information on letterboxing click here) and then a quick stop for some blueberries.

I'm sitting in front of a large fan trying to forget it's July in Minnesota and what humidity does to me (I am oh so crabby and should any of you call me today, I'm sorry, I will likely bite your head off without provocation). Migrane and neck pain only heighten the effects of humidity. Hoorah for the next two days of working 12 hours in industrial AC.

So the pigeons are back - or they are trying to be. Found one had laid another egg in a planter this morning. Though I generally can't bring myself to destroy a nest, my most recent war against the bird mites brought on by the last 2 pigeon nests has tainted me. I scooped up the whole next and chucked it over the railing, sending it plummetting three stories to utter demise. My sanity depended on it. I'm just getting over itching. So, sorry pigeons. Nice knowing you, but you need to find a new place of residence.

My poor kitty is laying on the tile in the bathroom to keep cool. I cut his hair. Short of shaving him completely bald and dipping him in the tub, I don't know what else to do to help him. Poor kitty. First you endure a hair cut and now worse heat (and being teased by pigeons on the railing outside). Tips for keeping a kitty cool without AC anyone?

A cool bowl of Cow Tracks ice cream is calling my name. Perhaps chocolate peanut butter therapy is just what the doctor ordered for heat, humidity and migrane.
posted by Jen @ 8:38 PM  
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