Days in the Life of This Girl

Saturday, September 11, 2004
shouldn't i be in bed?
Sitting home on my day off trying to figure out what to do (besides the "chores" I have been putting off) and started reading blogs of people I used to know (well people I haven't seen in a long time). Started thinking and really I think it's probably time I got a blog. So now I have one.

My current web addiction is the Free stuff, stuff for sale, community bulliten board and job/gig postings. I seem to have to check it 4 or 5 times a day. Partially cause I've been on a crusade to get a matress for a friend who has no bed and partially cause I keep hoping someone will be discarding something I could really use, like a nice bookshelf or maybe some photography equipment.

I had thought about making a blog for stupid things that happen at work, but really, how much do I want to think about work once I get home? I mean isn't focusing on it at least 40 hours a week enough? Well probably. I'll put money on that I occassionally slip in a short story about the man who insists he needs a 2006 calendar for his wall at home, not a 2005, even though it's still August of 2004, or the woman who insists she's looking for a new book entitled Exile and later says it's written by Dan Brown (which doesn't exist) and then ends up purchasing Deception Point by Dan Brown, which is in no way new and says this is what she was looking for. There is only one way to sum up my job: People are INSANE!

Apparently the Mpls school district is "temporarily misplacing" young school children from the school busses. What?!?! They just tell them to get off the bus at the wrong stop. Luckily, all children have been found by kind strangers who get them where they are supposed to be. Looks like when I have kids, I won't be letting them ride the bus anywhere until they are old enough to really stand up to a bus driver who tells them to get off at an incorrect stop. Nice that the local news would let all the local pedophiles know that this sometimes happens to so they can be on the lookout for lost school children. Ugh. Isn't our world wonderful.

And seriously, the mud-slinging during this presidential campaign has gotten to a sickening level. And the frequency at which customers try to rile me up over politics at work is staggering. One of these days I'll probably get fired for telling off a customer who goes on and on and on about the "evil" in the White House and how this guy is pure evil and how Kerry is such a saint and worth of sainthood (of course without any reason for being sainted as we have no idea what the heck that guy stands for cause he never commits to a firm answer on anything! But that's just my personal gripe.) Customers who get mad cause we sell books that are conservative. Well, too bad. We sell books for all people and Waldens makes no political endorsement. So they can just shut their mouths and get out of my face with their vomit. Wow, I think I need to go cool off. Enough venting about the people who just won't let me work in peace. I mean leave me alone. I don't want to hear your opinion and I don't want to discuss politics with you. I don't need you to convert me to the Democrats. And I definately don't need the extra stress. So leave me alone and let me do my work. If you want to buy a social science book about how much you hate Bush, then just do that in silence.

Ok, beddy bye time for me. I'll never wake in time to get to work on time if I don't sleep soon. I think a little hot tea might help. If you're someone I haven't spoken to in quite some time and you want to leave a comment, leave an email address so I can get back to you. I feel like I've lost a lot of my friends in moving and graduating, etc.
posted by Jen @ 1:12 AM  
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