Days in the Life of This Girl

Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Up late after dumpster diving
It's so hot tonight, that I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep until it cooled a bit. So I made a trip to the dumpsters to get some produce for the next couple days. For the first time, I met fellow diver there. It's not that no one else goes, I just seem to miss running into them. Came away with some perfectly ripe strawberries (many of which were of a quality I would consider paying money for), a pile of sweet green grapes, some parsnips, a turnip (not sure what to do with it, but I'm sure there's something yummy I can learn to make), a golden beet, and a couple potatos. It wasn't a ton, but with this heat, I need to make smaller collections to keep spoiling to a minimum.

After the first full length gathering in our new space, I'm finding I really like some elements of meeting in a space with "classic" elements. If it were going to be a more permanent space, there would be some major changes to be made to make it really work (mostly gutting the floor to make room for a more casual, personal arrangement of seating). But the juxtaposition (and yes I'm using that word a lot to describe this for those of you whom I have discussed this with) of modern elements we use against the stained glass and vaulted ceilings really does something for me.

Part of what once drew me to the Catholic church were the elements of granduer I now see surrounding our Porch gatherings. I like a casual stateliness. It's an oxymoron of sorts. Simple, but beautiful surroundings paired with technology, couches and a totally different expression of faith than was originally paired with such a grandiose space. I want to be a hippie at home in a cathedral.

There's also a sense of connectedness with our roots in the American and European churches of old. Being lucky enough to have spent some time visiting some pre-WWII European cathedrals, I frequently wish for more of those elements in my meeting space. Being a very visual person, I find myself connecting to God in the beauty of art and a meeting space's aesthetics (not that where you meet should really matter, but having a variety of artistic expressions in my meeting space has been important to me). And in our new place, the height of the ceiling, the bounce of the acoustics, and glow of stained glass brings about an awe of God that has been somewhat missing in my faith as of late. This sense that He's really really big, but in a cozy, homey kind of way. I will enjoy every minute I am granted to worship in this space.

In other news, the newness of my digital camera "aka my new baby" has yet to wane, so there will likely be extra photos on the blog until then. It likely out performs my film SLR, but cannot ever fully replace it. I am in the market for a new telephoto lens though. Turns out the one I have has a different chip or something. All I know is the camera know-it-all I asked said it's not being compatible is why the camera said "err 99" when I tried to use that lens. Something else to save for I guess.

Also, my car may get a chance for a day at the "car spa" (aka Fraiser Automotive) soon. The noise is getting worse and the jittering also. And gas mileage is beginning to suffer. Hoorah for wedding gigs to pay for such automotive pampering. I feel I've spent a zillion dollars recently. I've been waiting on these things for so long that when the money finally rolled in, and the bills were caught up, I had money burning a hole. I've never been good at saving. In theory, it would be good to have a "rainy day fund" (which is more like a distaster aversion fund), but I always seem to find ways to enjoy the fruits of my labor in a more immediate sense. After all, you can't take it with you, might as well enjoy it while you can.
posted by Jen @ 4:02 AM  
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