Days in the Life of This Girl

Wednesday, May 17, 2006
Just for Chris aka Mr Demanding :)
So, I guess I've gotten lazy about my blogging habits. Did I used to blog daily? I was quite regularily for a while, but not sure about daily. Apparently, my blog has become the sole daily entertainment of my friend Chris and without a daily post, he is lost. So, here goes trying to find something to blog about on a day off.

Day off. Doesn't that make you think "day to sleep in"? Me too, but not today. Today I didn't have to work, but I was required to go to Terrace Oaks park and test ride fancy schmancy new mountain and road bikes and get paid for it. Whoo hoo! I should have remembered back to the other 2 times I've tried to really mountain bike and just chalked that sport up as a lost cause for me. But, I just was convinced I could really do it. And having been told by other shop employees that it was an easier trail than Lebanon Hills (which I did complete last summer on my hardtail mountain bike in my first ever attempt at mountain biking), so I knew it would be easier than California and I gave it a go.

My first ever real ride on a full suspension mountain bike. Even though it was a mighty fine Prophet, I will not be putting it in the list of great rides I ever had.

I was okay for a while. Alex (one of the guys from my shop) was riding slow in front of me (I think out of courtesy to me) and it was pretty mild terrain with only a few roots and rocks and gently rolling hills. Not too technical.

We were pretty sure we were nearing the end by the time my asthma (which has been very under control for years now) kicked in. Then we took a wrong turn. And we were back near the beginning of the trail with nowhere to go except forward (taking us where we'd already been once before). At some point I stopped being able to feel my face and my legs were like melting jello. And finally the end came. Yes, it probably was easier than Lebanon, but I will forgo most single track in the future.

But oh the beautiful road bikes. The glorious carbon framed wonders whose sticker price belittles that of my car.

First the women's R1000. Not too shabby for an aluminum bike, but not something I'd ever purchase. Oh how I love to go fast though. I am so enamoured with road biking.

Second, the Synapse Carbon 2. Lovely little thing. The one I was on was a little too big for me so I was sore in my back before the short loop was over, but the frame feels like a cloud and the Dura-ace components never let me down.

My last loop was on a Six13. Not sure exactly which component set, but let's just say for the retail value of this bike I could likely have a late 90s Honda.

I wasn't sure this bike could live up to the hype. There is this aura about the Six13. But oh how lovely. Smooth, light, responsive, so so fast, comfortable (even in a size too big for me), and just plain amazing. If I were independantly wealthy, I'd own one. Alas, I am not.

Today was also my first day riding my new clipless pedals and shoes. I've been scared of them for quite some time. Sure that I would not be able to clip out in time for a stop sign or in the event of a crash I remain connected to my bike. I'm not sure I fully believed until today that clipless pedals really are easier and more efficient to ride. I was pretty sure biking shoes with their stiff sole would make my feet happier. Today I have seen the light. I slapped those pedals onto a road bike, clipped my shoes to them and began to ride. Three pedal strokes in and I was hooked. My effort was cut way way back and my knees didn't flail all over the place with each rotation. The conversation with Alex about my riding clipless today went as follows:

Me: These pedals are amazing. This is so great!
Alex: Is this your first time riding those pedals?
Me: Yes. I just got them and the shoes the other day and my bike isn't done so I haven't had a chance to ride them.
Alex: Is this your first time ever riding clipless?
Me: Yes.
Alex: If you don't crash I'm gonna be kinda upset. Everyone has to crash their first time riding clipless.

Sorry Alex, I didn't crash. But thanks for riding with me anyways. And thank you Cannondale for letting me ride your fancy schmancy bikes today. Could you think of a better job than one where you get paid to ride bikes? I can't.
posted by Jen @ 5:41 PM  
  • At 12:52 AM, Blogger Brad said…

    Tell Chris to read my blog. I've been trying to add something every day. Plus, I need all the help I can get to get my shiny new counter going. :D

  • At 2:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    My day is now complete. I shall sleep well tonight. Thank you Jenie.

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