Days in the Life of This Girl

Saturday, March 18, 2006
For Rachel
1 0 0 Q u e s t i o n s (give or take, as some numbers seem to be missing)

01: ever tasted blood?: yep, but only my own from a papercut
02: Made out with JUST a friend?: unfortunately yes, i don't recommend it
03: Been rejected?: yes
04: Been in love?: yes
05: Been in lust? yes
06: Used someone?: probably and i'm sorry
07: Been used?: definately
08: Had a crush on someone of the same sex?: nope, though i do appreciate female beauty
09: Fooled around with someone of the same sex?: nope
10: Been on a date? yup, but i hate "dates", i'd rather just hang out without the formality
11: Done something you regret?: yes

W h o w a s t h e l a s t p e r s o n t h a t . . .

12: You touched?: my roomie Steph
13: You talked to?: my roomie Steph
14: You hugged?: my roomie Steph
15: You instant messaged?: my friend Amy
17: You yelled at?: it's been a while, i don't know
18: You laughed at?: lots of drunks on St. Patty's

D o y o u ?

20: Go to school? Not anymore
21: Have a crush?: Um, I plead the 5th :)
22: Color your hair?: not anymore
24: Have Piercings?: 2 in each ear
25: Have a boyfriend/girlfriend/both?: not currently
26: Floss daily?: no, but i do like to floss
27: Have a best bud?: loads of em, can't really narrow it down
28: Ever get off the damn computer?: sometimes
29: Sprechen sie deutsche?: ja, aber nicht so gut.
30: Hablas espanol?: un pocito and i can't spell it worth a darn
31: Do you have a job?: 'A' job? which one?

G e n e r a l Q u e s t i o n s

32: Hobbies?: photography, gardening, dumpster diving, cooking
33: Are you a people person?: sometimes
36: Have you been out of the country?: Mexico, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, Canada
37: When was the last time you went on vacation?: Um, I think that would be to Sturgeon Bay, WI with the fam last June.
38: Are you a virgin?: again, the 5th.
39: Do you share a room?: Nope, but I share a house.
40: Considered a life of crime?: totally
41: Considered being a hooker?: nah
42: Considered being a pimp?: nope
43: Can you ride a bike?: several
44: Can you swim?: yup, i'm a fish
45: Schizophrenic?: who me? just kidding?
46: Obsessive?: maybe, you tell me
47: Obsessive compulsive?: selectively
48: Panic?: every now and then
49: Anxiety?: don't we all?
50: Depressed?: used to, not so much anymore
51: Suicidal?: during one bad spell in my life
52: Obsessed with Hate?: no
53: Dream of mutilated bodies?: absolutely not
54: Dream of doing those things instead of just seeing them?: hell no.

R a n d o m S t u f f . . .

55: If you could be anywhere right now, where would you be?: camped out in the woods of northern MN with good friends provided it was warm out or in Sweden, it's a tie.
56: What would you be doing?: Loving life
57: Do you hate anyone?: no, but there are some people i don't like a whole lot
58: What are you listening to?: amazingly, nothing at the moment, but recently Bjork and Aimee Mann
59: Can you do anything freakish?: not sure i want to fess up to anything
61: Do you have a favorite animal?: love my kitty, and really think otters are cool

C u r r e n t l y :

62: Current Clothes: my fav jeans, Countryside uniform polo, and green socks with strawberries on them
63: Current Mood: totally chill
64: Current Taste: stale salad breath
65: Current Hair: messy, half damp from my shower earlier today and with a huge ponytail dent in the middle
66: Current Annoyance: not enough hours in the day to do fun stuff
67: Current Smell: humidity
68: Current thing I ought to be doing: cleaning my room or sleeping
69: Current Desktop Picture: Silly picture of my friend Luke in New Zealand that makes me laugh
70: Current Favorite Band: ooo, hard one. Album Leaf sure is cool
71: Current Book: A Woman's Qigong Guide
72: Current DVD In Player: dunno, it's in the livingroom and my roomie's and i don't use it
73: Current Refreshment: tea (really cool chamomile blend)
74: Current Drama: ? don't watch much tv these days

F a v o r i t e s :

75: Place: hmmm, well to choose just one, well.....the secret woods
76: Food: lasagna, honey carrot cake, yogurt, aged cheese, and probably sweet potato
77: drink: tea
78: Color: i'm really into orange these days, of an autumny flavor
79: Shoes/Sandals: i prefer bare feet, but i do like my Birks, and i wear shoes when i hafta.
80: Candy: i don't eat refined sugar anymore, so candy's out
81: Animal: didn't this one get asked at the top?
82: Movie: Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Princess Bride, Office Space and the list goes on
83: Dance: i like ballet and swing a lot
84: Vegetable: asperagus

F u t u r e :

85: What do you want to be when you get older?: love life and just be an older, wiser version of what i am now
86: Married?: definately want to some day
87: Kids?: definately some day
88: Living Where?: not really sure, many variables, want to see the world too

T h i s o r T h a t :

89: Gay or straight?: straight
90: Boxers or Briefs?: for myself? well briefs which only makes sense
91: Reading or Writing: writing
92: Basketball or Baseball: bicycling, okay i know that's not a choice
93: Walking or Running?: walking
94: Face-to-face or Instant Messenger?: both
95: Left or Right?: right handed, left eyed, outside the box politically (neither party has got me completely)
96: TV Shows or Movies?: movies
97: Britney or Christina?: ugh, neither please. in fact, go away to both.
98: Rap or Rock?: rock
99: Day or Night?: i like the sunshine, but the moon sure does have an allure
100. What do people call you?: jen, jenie, maddog, j-dog, jenny from the block, jadvig, jennevive, hippie, hey you
posted by Jen @ 10:31 PM  
  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger ✙ patron saint of ulster ✙ said…

    yay! wow, it's so exciting reading these stupid little things! thank Jen! i'm up at northland at the moment- the wilderness beckons! see you soon.

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