Days in the Life of This Girl

Thursday, February 16, 2006
I want snow!
Anyone watching the Olympics? It's about all the TV I'm watching these days (since I've been trying to watch less and less). And I've really gotten into the ski and snowboard events (especially snowboard since it's new this year to the Olympics and cause I learned so so much about snowboards at work this winter). By far one of the coolest events is Snowboard-cross. It's like moto-cross or Nascar with snowboards. 4 boarders race down a course navigating turns and speed checks (which are like little jumps) seeing who can get to the bottom first. The most simple scoring, just don't hit someone else or fall off the track and get to the bottom first. I love it. Super fun to watch.

So, no surprise, the BIG ONE, the snowstorm that was predicted to totally mess up today's commute, etc, didn't show here. Again, it tracked south and missed us. Arg. I really want it to snow. I'm jealous of the 27 inches in New York (even if it did melt the next day). And I was hoping for one last snow to help us get some of the remaining snowboard product out the door at work (since the lack of snow has hampered that and the lack of warm isn't doing much for bike sales). I did sell a bike to a guy today. It's the second one in a week, of the exact same model even. With the quantity of customers being low, I have had time to reorganize and reinvent parts of the store. And if I'm lucky, the boys will remember how it looks now and be able to keep it somewhat pretty through the summer. (oooo,oooo....and I get to work a shift at the pretty new Roseville store this weekend).

My dinner tonight (after I starved myself at work in order to not eat two meals of peanut butter and banana or spend money on fast food) is something called "dirty rice" and steamed broccoli. Dirty rice I had heard of, but never eaten. I made it "wrong" (using pork breakfast sausage instead of ground beef cause that's what I was either that or venison.), but seems to have worked out okay. Dirty rice is a bit spicy with a hint of peppers. I highly recommend it.
posted by Jen @ 11:18 PM  
  • At 12:05 PM, Blogger Josh Fuller said…

    I always get into the Olympics, so poo on you, KP. But I have to say, I watched the snowboard cross last night and I thought it was the dumbest thing the Olympics had ever come up with. It seemed like whoever pushed the other racers off the course first was the winner.

    And yes, I'm just bitter cause the Canadian was disqualified.

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