Days in the Life of This Girl

Wednesday, March 29, 2006
How to get "bike butt" (photos on the bottom)
Today was a fine day to be outside. I didn't sleep in so much on my day off today. Having checked the forecast, I knew it would be a day to capitalize on. Waking at 10am, I found the sun already shining and the air balmy with a touch of wind. After a quick bite, I donned a couple layers, hat and mittens, and hauled my trusty 1964 AMF Hercules cruiser towards the street. Only one destination in mind, I thought I might just let the day take me where it would.

First stop, Walker sculpture garden and greenhouse. The ground yet soft with the melted snow, I kept mostly to the path in the garden. Around me trees had begun to bud and tiny shoots of green were coming up between last summers blades of grass. A bit windy, I took shelter in the greenhouse. I could sit in that greenhouse all day if I had nothing better to do and they would let me. On a day like today when all the kiddies are in school and the adults high above the city in their cubes, I sure could haved.

The air is thick with oxygen in there. Your first deep breath upon crossing the threshold is otherworldly. So rich is the air that often it condenses itself upon the foliage and ceiling lending to small drips and puddles. Inside the greenhouse, it is already late May. Some of the lillies have flowered, the amaryllis peeks out it's head, and the impatiens await early June with their delicate buds.

I hated to leave the warmth and the pure air behind (another day I may bring a book and find a corner to hole up in for the day), but the first real spring day was calling me outside. Next stop unknown. Thought I might just ride into downtown and see what I could see. Biking down Hennepin, I made use of the bike lane which I had not done before. Riding down the middle of the street where bikes are king with vehicles on all sides. So exhilerating. And the way it should be. Where are the dedicated bike lanes without parking or stopping or encroachment of turn lanes or hydrants or bus stops or any number of other things which impede cycling? Surely we have a long way to go in encouraging bicycling as a viable form of transportation.

Reaching Washington Ave. I realized it was only a hop, skip and a jump to the Stone Arch Bridge. That would be stop number two. Didn't stop long though as the wind was furious atop the bridge, tipping over my bicycle with it's gale force while I snapped a few photos. And on I went.

I remembered the other side of this bridge depositing me next to the U of M campus in my studies of ways to commute by bike to work. Following the map in my head, I made my way towards Dinkytown.

Next stop, the Dinkytown Erik's. Needed to borrow a wrench to fix the alignment of my handlebars which so inconveniently shifted as I stood to gain speed in an intersection. I remembered me that I had forgotten to check them after my light broke off the other day and sure enough, a small piece of the light bracket remained under the bolt and shifted under my weight. A short talk with the mechanic there about parts I may order for the rear hub of the Hercules (as it does not shift all of it's 3 gears) and a chat with Sharon my partner in crime from SBCU days, fixed my handlebar issue and was on my way again.

Destination unknown again. Headed back the way I came, hoping to decide on some lunch option before my stomach began to growl. Upon reaching Lowry Hill, headed the Hennepin route instead of directly home via Lyndale. Stopped at a tiny little antique shop which caught my eye, but much to my dismay it was all very high end stuff and well out of my budget. Recieved a complimentary honk from some guys in a white sports car as I ascended the hill standing on my pedals. And decided on a Chipotle burrito was in order to fill my incredible hunger and replace some of the calories I had burned off in my jaunt.

Debated going straight home and eating there, but decided against it. Next stop: the lakes. I forget how close I live and how quickly one can get there by bicycle. Had a makeshift picnic in front of the frozen lake with the sun beating down and feeling as comfortable as any spring day I have ever spent eating lunch at that pavillion. Unsure of the time, I thought it might be good to venture towards home and perhaps run up to the co-op for a few essentials.

Taking the Greenway home proved to be a mistake. The direction of the wind was just right to create a windtunnel in the opposite direction of my travels once I reached the part of the Greenway where it is dug into the ground. Good thing it was only a few blocks.

Nearing home and riding through the alleys, I wasn't sure I was ready to call it quits yet (though my legs were beginning to think otherwise). Steph was home early from work, indicated by her car behind the house. So I made her come out to bike with me (not like she needed arm twisting). It was a short jaunt just to get milk and yogurt and such things. Steph wanted to grill and got a steak.

If my legs could have gone any further we might have gone down to Savers, but after what was likely more than 20 miles (I'll see if I can't measure it out tomorrow and get a more accurate number) on a singlespeed steel bike, I was ready for a rest. I may hurt tomorrow, but it has all been worth it.

And now......the photos.

posted by Jen @ 11:54 PM  
  • At 8:35 PM, Blogger Christy Merry said…

    thought we were going to get pictures OF the bottom! ;) well I guess these pictures are nice too.

    my favorites: blue sky w/branches, & the kitty

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