Days in the Life of This Girl

Monday, June 26, 2006
Yard Sale
Saturday was our yard sale day. We got up early and spent an hour and a half setting up all our unused stuff on the yard. We were part of the Wedge neighborhood community garage sale, so we were expecting lots of "customers" and hoping to be rid of a lot of clutter. About 8:30am we were all set.

As you can see, we had quite a lot of stuff. 5 bikes, some electronics, many kitchen items, household stuff, clothing, beanie babies, older camping gear, and don't forget the mini plastic christmas tree. No sooner had we stepped back to admire our work and the sprinkles started, and then the thunder, and you know what comes next.

Yup, rain, and lots of it. We were partially saved by the big tree in the front yard which kept some of the stuff mostly dry and on which my roommates hung a brightly colored sign to let people know we were still open for business.

Anything which would be ruined by water was quickly scurried into our stairwell for protection. We had people shopping up the stairs for about an hour. We were also encouraging bartering just to get rid of some of this stuff. I did have some ladies trying to talk me down on one item from $5 to $1. I did not accept their deal, they were kinda pissed, but I thought I really could get $5 for it. Later in the day, I sure did.

While the rain came down, a couple on bikes stopped and nearly bought Steph's countertop dishwasher. Unfortunately, they had 10 1/2 inch plates and those were too big for the rack.

After the weather cleared, we hauled everything back onto the lawn and periodically spread things out more to fill in holes as our junk disappeared. Before I left for work about 2:45pm, I took this photo of the things that were left in the yard. (the little bike to the right wasn't ours, it was ridden over by one of our customers). One bike, a few clothing items, very few electronics, a bunch of kitchen stuff, most of the beanie babies, some older camping stuff, and some misc odds and ends.

Granted, most of the stuff had been mine (Alyssa's not a saver and Steph had not really had time to sort through her stuff in the basement fully as I had, not to mention the stuff I'd specifically boxed for sale before moving), but let's just say, it was the best garage sale having experience ever for me. I'm looking forward to doing it again sometime. It's a great excuse to purge and you get to make money while doing it.
posted by Jen @ 12:33 PM  
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