Days in the Life of This Girl

Wednesday, July 12, 2006
Cornerstone Overview
There is much to tell about my journey to Cornerstone Festival. It was a trip 10 years in the making (having wanted to go since high school). I went without expectations, just that I would be able to get away from the stress of my usual world and live outdoors for a short while. What I found there was a part of me that had been dormant for many years. That part of me that for years wanted nothing more than to be a good steward, to have a life with a Godly purpose, to live simply, to soak up God and to feel Him close. Sure, I've kept my faith, but not lived it out in ways I once did.

I feel refreshed, renewed, redirected. I have put in my resignation at one of my part time jobs with thoughts towards having time to work in ministry somewhere locally, perhaps cutting out another job this fall. After living in a tent and cooking over a propane stove with minimal ingredients, I am recommitted to a life of less waste and more regular dumpstering for food.

I've also had a rebirth of a couple artistic "dreams". The first being to have time to road trip and photograph and create a photo essay on the waning of America's rural areas. Perhaps finding some contacts through Scott to make it into a published book. My mind is running amuck with amazing ideas of things I'd rather spend my time on than working. I'm thinking up a plan to save some money and be able to take a chunk of time off to pursue some of my dreams and be more involved in church and ministry.

So this is just the intro. I will be posting a more detailed account below of each day and the kinds of fun things I did and saw along with some excerpts from the 222 photos I ended up with (I took way more, but those are the ones that became part of my final "album"). I also took some video, but the sound quality is quite bad on some of them, so they will be up after some editing. Until then, you can enjoy the photos (separated into albums by day) at the link below. There is a password (which gives read-only access), but it's not hard to figure out. It's a six letter Old Testament Hebrew name for God. (if you're still confused, email me and I'll send it to you.)

posted by Jen @ 2:00 PM  
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Home: Minneapolis, Mn, United States
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