Days in the Life of This Girl

Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Halloween Haunts
Halloween. I've had a love/hate relationship with this holiday for many years. I always like to dress up. And thinking up something fun and unique to become is something I look forward to. But I have not had a Halloween costume celebration to attend or a plan for Halloween for years and years. This year there was something of a plan: get dressed up, go trick or treating by bicycle with Luke and if time and desire remained to attend the Scalloween Masquerade Ball. I managed to throw together a costume for myself, help Luke run errands to finish his, and all that was left was to get the new tire bought that day onto his rear bike wheel and we'd be on our way to relive childhood as trick or treaters. This is where I meet my nemesis: the bike wheel. More than an hour later and after popping two tubes trying to get the stubborn tire on the equally stubborn rim and patching the tire and trying all my other rear wheels on the bike, Luke finally got the tire on and air in it. By then it was too late and time to pick up Suze. Halloween had again been thwarted by a bike wheel. Perhaps it is fate trying to let me know I'm grown and need to leave this fun holiday to the kids. It's just as well I guess, I can't eat the candy anyways.

My "street fairy" costume. I have it in my mind that fairies are not Tinkerbell, but rather more on the lines of colorful street punks with wings and sparkles. They're a little rag tag, the edges of their wings might be a little shaggy, they're probably a little dirty and they have a propensity for mischief.

Luke putting the finishing touches on his mask. The lighting in the apartment was strangely eerie as there are few lamps.

The mask (not sure if it was named, but definately referred to as a "he") and Luke.

Luke riding wearing the mask after finally fixing his bike tire. Probably good we didn't ride as it turned out to be very difficult for him to see even though there were several peek holes.

How we would have looked if we had showed up on someone's doorstep seeking sweets. Oh yeah, I had to have the plastic pumpkin for nostalgia. I haven't had one in probably 20 years and it made me smile. I also had a light to put inside of it that made the face glow.

My jack-o-lantern. I got this pumpkin really cheap a couple days before and felt inclined to carve it and at least light it once before using it to cook. Any recipies (that don't include refined sugars) for stuff using pumpkin would be nice. Post them to my comments if you have some. I'm thinking pumpkin bread, but there are definately more out there. I already baked the seeds. I'm debating running to the store tomorrow to buy a couple more at half price if I get some recipie ideas. :)
posted by Jen @ 11:24 AM  
  • At 8:55 AM, Blogger Christy Merry said…

    you & Luke are adorable in these pics! I got lots of candy for trick-or-treaters, but I guess they stick to the main road (stores) around here. Not very neighborhoodly! btw, who is Luke? a Porch-person?

  • At 2:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is probably too late, but don't make pumpkin bread. Even Martha Stewart says that real pumpkin doesn't bake up as well as canned. So stick with soup or something else where texture isn't an issue. not that I have any suggestions.

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