Days in the Life of This Girl

Sunday, April 13, 2008
For any of you who know me, I love to be domestic. Meaning, I love to cook, create, garden, clean and organize (though some may argue that my idea of organized is not really organized at all). I enjoy the process as well as the end result. Having something to show for all your hard work. Especially when it's a clean house (if it can stay that way I am doubly happy) or something delicious to eat.

Today was about cleaning and baking. Four loads of laundry (and more waiting for another day) and my second attempt at Baguette Normal (Parisian daily bread - or "the baguette"). The bread is a 4 hour or longer process which when done right, creates a crusty loaf with a delicate crumb the likes of which I have not tasted since my college choir tour in Europe (and even then the bread wasn't quite like this seeing how the Germans do it slightly different).

With my first attempt on Friday night being a success, I made a double batch - two baguettes and eight petits pains (one of which I devoured as soon as it was cool enough to cut).

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posted by Jen @ 8:59 PM   0 comments
Saturday, April 12, 2008
2008 Sushi Feast
I can't remember how many pieces of sushi Chris said he and his crew made for us to enjoy on the first of April, but it was the most impressive spread I have seen. My personal favorite, both in the looks and taste category, blueberry and cucumber. No seriously, very tasty. Below is a collection of photos I took. I tried to get at least one of each kind. Also a few photos from the end of the preparation. They'd been hard at work all day by the time I got there.

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posted by Jen @ 11:35 PM   4 comments
Seeking to find beauty in the simple and joy in the everyday.
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Name: Jen
Home: Minneapolis, Mn, United States
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