Days in the Life of This Girl

Friday, December 09, 2005
Not enough hours in the day
Especially when you sleep in cause you don't have to go to work. I had photos to pick up that would be ready at 11am. Thought I'd be up before that and get a few other things out of the way. Nope. Woke promptly at the crack of noon. Ate a little something. Dropped into the office to get an application for my co-worker who may purchase my apartment. Went to get the photos, but didn't really take time to look through all of them. Stopped at Walgreens, but didn't find what I was looking for. And headed for the library.

This is where the day actually gets productive. I have been wanting to make Christmas cookies, but I'm off sugar. This presents quite a quandry. So I have been wanting a Stevia cookbook with some cookie recipies. Being pretty much broke, I remembered to check the library catalog and found there were 3 titles (yes only 3 in the whole Ramsey County Library system) and 2 of those were checked in at the Roseville branch. So I went in search of them. They have what look to be some promising recipies (one for sugar"less" cookies - not sure how frosting those will go just yet though). Also browsed for a bit and found some books with holiday gift ideas (since the budget is pretty much nil at this point), a book on Fibromyalgia, and one entitled "Hippie crafts". I made a swing through the videos before checking out and picked up the 60's version of Romeo & Juliet and a 4 episode collection of Monty Python's Flying Circus just for kicks.

Thinking I'd go home, begin numbering the photos, eat some dinner and head to choir, I was quite pleased with my day. Upon arriving home, I realized the photos were going to have to go back to the printer. Not only were they all way way too magenta (and not matching the screen at all), they were not uniformly so (and photos with a background color matching on my computer did not come close to matching in print). Arg. I called and the girl who answered is the same girl I refuse to do business with over there. So, I'm not taking them back to that location. I'm waiting until Saturday and I'm driving the extra distance and going to the Highland Park location to deal with someone who has a clue.

After singing a short program for the "over 55" group (which should really be called the "over 75" group) at St. Christopher's, I have been very productive. I went through all the photos and created a new set devoid of nearly all magenta(which will be burned to cd and taken to the printers as a backup plan should they prove to be more clueless than usual), rotisserie cooked some chicken legs I got on super deal last week at the co-op, ran a load of dishes through the dishwasher, and ate a snack.

Oh yeah and I set a meeting with a very promising potential wedding client for this weekend. (end of January wedding) And there are still things I wanted to do that didn't get done. Can you believe it?
posted by Jen @ 12:28 AM  
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